
Everything that is disclosed to LBK Psychiatry will be kept confidential, adhering to the guidelines of the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).

By law, Dr. Lesley Kirkpatrick is required to breach confidentiality under the following circumstances.

The clinician believes there is imminent risk of harm to yourself.

The clinician believes there is imminent risk of harm to someone else.

You disclose or the clinician suspects that a vulnerable person is in danger (ex: children or elderly).

A court of law subpoenas it of the clinician

Cancellations, No-Shows, Late Arrivals

For CONSULTATIONS you must cancel your appointment 2 business days prior to your appointment. 

If you no show (virtual or in person) for your consultation, you will be discharged back to your primary care provider the same day. Should you want a consultation in the future with Dr. Lesley Kirkpatrick, you will require a re-referral in order to be re-added to the waitlist again.

If you are late by 20 minutes or longer, at Dr. Kirkpatrick’s discretion, this appointment will be deemed a no show and you will be discharged the same day. Should you want a consultation in the future with Dr. Lesley Kirkpatrick, you will require a re-referral in order to be re-added to the waitlist again.

If you cancel within 2 business days, this will be deemed as a late cancellation. Your appointment can be rescheduled but it may take many months before another opening becomes available.

For ACT CORE, you must cancel your appointment 2 business days prior to your scheduled group session. If you are running late for your group session, please inform the clinic. Should you no show, late cancel or cancel (even within the clinic’s policy), more than two times, you will be discharged from the ACT Core Group.

For ACT BOOSTERS, you must cancel your appointment 2 business days prior to your scheduled group session. If you are running late for your group session, please inform the clinic. If you cancel but not within the policy, you will be offered another session, if available. If you no show more than 2 x, you will no longer be offered monthly ACT Booster sessions.

Respectful Behavior

This clinic has ZERO tolerance for derogatory, threatening, insulting or abusive behavior towards any staff. Such behavior will result in the patient being discharged back to their referring physician immediately.

Virtual Care Consent

Please click the button below to learn more about virtual care consent.